What We Do:
Facilitating Development of an EGS Power Plant
Steps to Transition a Coal Power Plant to EGS
The transition of coal to geothermal takes advantage of existing infrastructure, means zero emissions with very low cost to operate, and saves jobs in moving to a more sustainable future. Existing coal plant or mine workers, engineers, and geologists would be slowly transitioned as the geothermal project is developed and operation increases, while the coal plant operation decreases. Waste water from the coal plant can be used to fill up the EGS reservoir and then as make-up water for the water lost to the rock as the geothermal project is operated. The cooling water used for the coal plant can also be used for cooling the geothermal plant. The transmission lines are already there. A ready made and trained workforce is available to building and operate the new EGS power plant.
Steps to Transition a Coal Power Plant to EGS: Phased approach reduces risk. Transitions jobs.
PHASE 1: Feasibility Study
A feasibility study would include detailed engineering analysis of technical and economic potential for transition of coal to geothermal. Workforce transition potential including education, training and jobs assessment.
Site assessment – geologic, geophysical, seismic temperature and project data evaluation using existing data.
Gap analysis with plan for collecting additional data including core hole and additional geophysics
Environmental and regulatory compliance assessment
Public outreach – webinars, public meetings and conference to educate stakeholders
Workforce development and training programs to transition workers from coal to geothermal
Drill deep core-hole to acquire data on temperature with depth, rock stresses, rock type and drilling conditions
Detailed engineering study including well design, stimulation design and cost analysis.
Economic analysis including power markets and financing potential
Go/No-go decision on Demo Project

PHASE 2: Demonstration Project
Plan transition for selected site including regulatory compliance, design engineering, workforce development and financing for full utility scale Coal to Geothermal Transition. Demonstration project development including drilling, stimulation and testing of resource development wells, and power plant construction.
Obtain project financing
Permitting and regulatory compliance
Modify temporary seismic array as indicated from Phase 1 studies.
Modify project plan using data.
Drill one injector and up to three producers and create a stimulated reservoir for small scale power project as demonstration.
Construct demonstration power plant
Train plant operators in geothermal operations
Operate facility while designing expansion project
Go/No-go decision on Full Scale Expansion

PHASE 3: Expansion to Utility Scale Project
Expand demonstration project to full scale: Permitting, financing, drilling, stimulation, testing and plant construction. Train workers at coal plant (and mine if mine mouth plant is selected) for geothermal project development and operation.
Obtain project financing
Permitting and regulatory compliance
Determine from Phase 2 project data the potential for total development of project site
Adjust plan using Phase 1 data to optimize project economics
Run multiple rigs to drill project wells
Stimulate wells